Friday, January 29, 2010

Heading Home!!!

Our last day on the island was pretty uneventful.

We are definitley ready to go home.

I miss my husband.

I miss Shea, Scott, & Drew.

I miss my church.

I miss my friends & family.

I miss drinking my coffee in my pajamas.

Heck, I even miss my chocolate lab!!!!

We had dinner at Lucy's tonight with our new Michigan friends, Mary & Mike & their daughter Madyson....
(We have met so many wonderful people on this trip!)

Did some last minute shopping for a few more pairs of squeaky shoes...
Stocked up with goodies from 7-11 for tomorrow...
Packed our stuff...
And had some ice cream!!!

We are leaving the hotel bright & early (ugh!) at 6:30am!!
Our first flight takes off at 9:15am and we are expected to arrive home at around 8:30pm Saturday night!

Departing China is very bittersweet.....

Avery is leaving behind everything that is familiar to her...
She is beginning a new phase of her life....

We will  honor her former will always be a part of who she is....of who she will become...
We will honor all the people who loved her and cared for her....

We are blessed beyond belief to call her daughter....
She is a precious child....a child of God....a child we have the privilege of loving!!!!

Please cover us with prayer as we travel home....and as we continue to grow as a family of seven!!!


  1. Oh wow, no more China updates,but can't wait for home updates! I can't wait to hear all about Shea meeting her new sister for the first time in person! You have taken great pictures for Avery to treasure always! Safe and peaceful travel! Love yall!

  2. Prayers for safe travel. Can't wait to hear about Avery's homecoming.

  3. Wow! 5 kids! (That's what people say to us, and I'm sure will say to you! :) To which, I'm sure, you will answer, Yup! They're my angels!

    You are one lucky family to have each other, and your new daughter is just beautiful!! Much love and prayers - Heather and Kevin

  4. Hurry up and come home! We miss you soooo much. Shea and Scott are excited to see the sisters and Mommy. I miss my wife and kids and we even have the house clean. Hope it passes the inspection. :)
    All my love,

  5. I have had so much fun following your story in China and can't wait to watch Avery find her nitch with all her siblings once home.

  6. Okay, so. I'm gonna try again. I've commented at least twice in the last four days and I keep losing them. Ugh.

    I'm so happy you all get to travel home and begin the business of being a whole family together now. What a wonderful thing, for little Avery, for you, and I'm sure for the ones you had to leave behind. I can hardly believe that our big trip was 16 months ago this week. I was soooo anxious to be home and begin our next step in the journey together.

    So. Tonite, I will pray for safe flights. Great connections. Happy kids. And speedy hours in the air :)

    And for these darned comments to go through.

  7. What beautiful thoughts honoring all the blessings along what others might call a "broken road that lead her straight to you"!
    Consider yourselves covered in prayers for travel mercies!
    Love & Blessings from Hong Kong,

  8. Chris,
    I read the worry in your voice and I'd like to come up with some great words of wisdom. But, I don't have any!
    Try these instead....
    "Don't worry about anything, instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank Him for all He has done. If you do this, you will experience God's peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand." Philippians 4:6-7 New Language Translation

    Pray. Peace.

  9. Chris,
    I will be praying for you and the new chapter of Avery's new life! We are lifting up banners to our God for All He has done for her and your family! Welcome back to the US!
