Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Drew and the Littles!

My oldest son came home last weekend specifically to meet Avery.

It's an eight hour drive...through Chicago (yuck) and Milwaukee!

He's a loving and affectionate older brother...at least to his youngest of siblings....lol!

He was so excited to meet Avery.
He could hardly wait to hold her in his arms.
He wanted to hear her sweet  voice and funny little giggle.

All he got was REJECTION!!!
Well, at least for the first day.
Funny thing, he received the same reaction when he first met Shea....
REJECTION!!! (She rejected him for a while!!)

Poor guy!!!

I think both girls rejected him initially because he was the last one to meet them.
I think both girls, by the time Drew came home, were just plain overwhelmed....
They were 'done' meeting new family members.

However, it didn't take him long to win over Shea...just a few weeks!
And it certainly didn't take him long to win over Avery!!!


  1. Looks to me like both the girls are pretty smitten....
    He must've worked hard to win them over!!

  2. I think he must be pretty irresistible! Looks like both of his littlest sisters were thrilled to hang with Drew!

  3. Oh, by the way - the Beth Moore "button" isn't really a button! It's just a picture & I included the blog address on it. If you upload a picture you can do the same thing :) Let me know if you want some help!

  4. What a sweetie he is. I can tell the girls love him!
    God's blessings,
    Sarah :D

  5. Oh, I can tell he's a great big brother. Maybe Shea and Avery were just in shock at having THREE older brothers. They were thinking ahead to their dating life in ten years... should be interesting.

  6. Hi Chris,
    This is Krista (mom to Rose Xuehua) who stayed at the Victory with you. Your daughter gave me your blog address the day we were leaving. It's great seeing your pictures and seeing how well Avery is doing! The two sisters look so cute together. Things are going well here too and Rose's personality is coming out more and more as she is becoming more comfortable. It has been a little hard since she really likes Baba more than Mama still, so she is happier when everyone is home. It makes the days at home with just the two of us kind of hard, but we're bonding more and more each day. The jet lag was really bad, especially for her. I would love to keep in touch. Take care,
