Sunday, November 6, 2011

Sunday Snapshot {Grandmama}

My mom came for a visit recently.

We are always so excited to see Grandmama.   And of course, her dog, Sophia.  They are a package deal!  :)

With Grandmama comes lots of snuggling.

And with Grandmama comes some time for hanging out in the girls' playroom....

Playing a little Princess Go Fish.  Cuz, ya know in the household, 'we' wouldn't dream of playing anything else!

(Notice Sophia, the dog, in the background?  She is never too far away from the action.)

Pretty intense stuff this Princess Go Fish game is!!

Decisions, decisions.

A quick consult from Sophia.....

Then everyone is back at it!

Thanks Mom for a great weekend!

Can't wait for next time!!!!!  

Check out the other fun Sunday Snapshots over at Stefanie's blog.

Sunday Snapshot


  1. I love how grandmama even sits In the little chairs :)

  2. I love watching my daughter spend time with my mom. It's such a special relationship. Sure do miss my grandmother!

  3. Looks like everyone had fun. We're headed up to see our kids' Grandmama (my MIL) in a couple of weeks. The kids are excited already. :-)

  4. Grandmas rock!! You have a beautiful family. Love the pics.

    Have a wonderful day!

  5. Hi Chris! Thanks for commenting on my blog. Love your blog and I see you have older kids as can relate to the "I love my son's girlfriend" thing :)

  6. Love me some Grandma time! My girls can't get enough Go Fish either. I think we have that exact same game btw. Thanks for your comment on my blog, too.

  7. Love it Chris!!! Grandmothers ROCK!

  8. Looks like so much fun! I wish my mom lived closer for my girls, but instead they Skype every Great captures of her visit :)

  9. This was a great post! I love the pictures of your mom with the girls. and this line "Pretty intense stuff this Princess Go Fish game is!!" made me laugh out loud. So funny! you left me smiling ~ and wondering where in the world did you find those princes cards? You know, we just may need some.

  10. Totally cute! And it brings back such fun memories for me of playing cards with my grandma...
