Friday, August 24, 2012

{glasses} her new look!

Someone has something to share.

At first, she wasn't too sure about this new look.

She said it was one more thing that makes her 'different'.  *sigh*

She is getting use to them.

I think she is rockin' the look!


  1. She looks beautiful with them. (And, I bet she sees better, too.) I like the new look!

  2. Sweet girl you look absolutely beautiful! You are perfect just the way you are.....cuz He made you, and everything He creates is perfect. Just. Like. You. You rock those glasses!

  3. I just wanted to let you know that Adah has had glasses for 3 years now. There are very few kiddos in her class that have them so she has handled it with grace. Shea looks absolutely beautiful with her specs! Don't they look so much older with them on!?
    I will send you a picture of Adah with her lasses so Shea can see her.
    Enjoy e last little bit of your summer! Would love to keep in touch. Missed you at the last soccer game.
